I created this video from conceptualization to publication for the national economic organization, Unrig Our Economy. This video kicked off a sector by sector corporate price gouging mini-series. It was timed to coincide with the May 11, 2022 CPI report, in an effort to highlight how corporate greed has contributed to record inflation levels.
I edited from start to finish in 16 hours in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro using custom graphics and animations. It was retweeted by CAP Action, Center for Economic and Policy Research, Accountable.US, Americans for Tax Fairness, and Action Center on Race and the Economy reaching over 250k on Twitter alone.
I created this video as a part of an animated explainer series for Honest Arizona, a progressive grassroots coalition dedicated to restoring Arizona residents’ trust in elected leaders. The video explains the Brandon Act, which Senator Mark Kelly (AZ) sponsored. The bill that allows military service members to confidentially request mental health care without fear of rebuke or retaliation.
The video below, also available in 1:1 and 4:5 aspect ratios, was created in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro using custom infographics, animations, and graphic elements. It was retweeted by AZ State Representatives Alma Hernandez and Daniel Hernandez Jr.
I created this video as the beginning of an animated explainer series for Honest Arizona, a progressive grassroots coalition dedicated to restoring Arizona residents’ trust in elected leaders. The video explains the provisions of the Build Back Better Act, which was up for debate in congress at the time. It was retweeted by American Bridge. It was created in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro using custom animations and graphic elements.
I created this video from conceptualization to publication for Opportunity Wisconsin, a coalition of Wisconsin residents fighting for an economy that works for working people. The goal of the video was to highlight how Ron Johnson advocated and voted for a tax plan which includes incentives for companies to outsource jobs.
The video, which I worked on from conceptualization to publication, was created in Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro using custom animations and graphics.