Boylan Bottling Company (MASH)
ROLE: Videographer, Gaffer, Editor
This commercial was created for MASH, a subsidiary of Boylan Bottling Company, a 130-year old soft-drink company based in New York City. I story-boarded, filmed, and edited the project alone during a self-quarantine during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The video was conceptualized, shot, and edited in three days, while shooting and editing another video of significantly larger size for the same client.
The project was shot on the Blackmagic Design URSA Mini Pro, with two soft-box studio lights and poster board as a backdrop. The rotating shots were executed by using a spinning microwave plate on top of my desk at home. The sliding effect was accomplished by spacing the bottles out on a long piece of paper, and sliding that paper across the desk until all bottles were shown.
Lake Valley Brand Video
ROLE: Videographer, Gaffer, Drone Operator, Editor
This commercial was created for the Lake Valley Golf Club in Boulder, Colorado. Steve Cassingham and I filmed the interview and b-roll footage for the project in a single-day shoot using a Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro camera on an easy rig and a Canon 1D XII. I helped set up the lighting and audio of the interviews, filmed the b-roll, and captured the drone footage on my DJI Mavic Pro. I then took all that we had gathered that day, compiling it into the commercial you see below.